Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Finding My Standpoint

A Mandala of Finding My Standpoint: standing still, balancing in place, tracing around my feet, painting in and around my footprints. A way of knowing my being within a particular place and time. Try it yourself sometime.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Turning of the Seasons: a Mandala

As Spring blossoms out of Winter, I am reminded that the year with its turning seasons is a mandala. It is a cycle that repeats again and again, each time with endless variations. This mandala, embraced as a model of how life unfolds, is beautifully expressed in a quote shared with us by Starr, a participant at our recent Part III Mandala Intensive.

There are times to cultivate and create, when you nurture your world and give birth to new ideas and ventures. There are times of flourishing and abundance, when life feels in full bloom, energized and expanding. And there are times of fruition, when things come to an end. They have reached their climax and must be harvested before they begin to fade. And finally of course, there are times that are cold, and cutting and empty, times when the spring of new beginnings seems like a distant dream. Those rhythms in life are natural events. They weave into one another as day follows night, bringing, not messages of hope and fear, but messages of how things are.

Chogyam Trungpa