Friday, September 11, 2009

My New Mandala Book December 1, 2009

Dear Reader,

The Mandala Workbook will be out in December. Whew! What a process it is to create a book. To spend the time it takes, I always must find an approach to the subject that I find fascinating. That's easy with mandalas. They are so simple, yet deeply mysterious.

During the writing of this book the Eastern approach to mandalas (that considers them representative of cycles in time) was an important focus for me. The overlay of Joan Kellogg's theory of mandala stages (the Great Round) with the twelve months of the year gave me the structure for my project. Activities for a workbook need to be thoroughly tested, to see if they really can be done and if they are rewarding for the people who use them.

So I invited some friends and friends of friends to join me in a mandala group that met monthly to explore the archetypal stages described by Kellogg and to try out my suggestions for mandalas designed to evoke a taste of each of the stages. The book is rooted in process: the creative process of individuals making mandalas, the process of the group itself as it moved through the archetypal stages, and the process mandala manifested by the group as we moved through the cycle of a complete year together.

More about this later.

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